Does Baking Soda Melt Ice?

10 DIY Ice Melt Options That You Can Make at Home Backyard Boss
10 DIY Ice Melt Options That You Can Make at Home Backyard Boss from


Winter is here, and with it comes the challenge of dealing with icy driveways, sidewalks, and roads. Many people turn to traditional ice melters like rock salt or calcium chloride to clear their surfaces. However, there is a growing interest in finding alternative and environmentally friendly methods to melt ice. One such popular option is baking soda. But does baking soda really melt ice? Let’s find out!

The Science Behind It

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a chemical compound that undergoes a reaction when it comes into contact with water or ice. This reaction produces carbon dioxide gas, water, and a slight increase in temperature. While the carbon dioxide gas can help loosen ice, it does not generate enough heat to effectively melt it. Therefore, the melting power of baking soda alone is limited.

Enhancing Baking Soda’s Melting Power

Although baking soda alone may not be the most effective ice melter, it can be combined with other ingredients to enhance its melting power. One popular combination is mixing baking soda with salt. Salt lowers the freezing point of water, making it harder for ice to form or maintain its solid state. When combined with baking soda, the mixture can work more efficiently in melting ice.

Using Baking Soda and Salt Mixture

To create a baking soda and salt mixture for ice melting, you can start by combining equal parts of both ingredients. Mix them thoroughly and then sprinkle the mixture over the icy surface. Allow some time for the mixture to work, and then use a shovel or a snowplow to remove the melted ice and slush.

Other Tips for Dealing with Ice

While baking soda and salt mixture can be effective, there are a few additional tips to keep in mind when dealing with ice:

1. Shovel First:

Before applying any ice melter, it is important to remove as much snow and ice as possible with a shovel. This will make the melting process more efficient.

2. Apply Ice Melter Early:

It is best to apply the ice melter before the ice becomes too compacted. This will prevent the formation of hard-to-melt ice layers.

3. Use Ice Melter Sparingly:

A little goes a long way when it comes to ice melters. Using excessive amounts can be wasteful and potentially harmful to the environment.

4. Protect Your Plants:

Some ice melters can be harmful to plants. If you have vegetation near the treated area, consider using pet-safe or environmentally friendly options.


While baking soda alone may not have the melting power to effectively tackle ice, it can be combined with salt or other ingredients to create a more potent ice melter. Remember to follow the tips mentioned above to ensure safe and efficient ice removal. As always, it is essential to consider the environmental impact of the products you use and opt for eco-friendly alternatives whenever possible. Stay safe and warm this winter!